State Champs 

On Wednesday, February 16th the Riverdale High School wrestling team headed to Illinois University to compete in the state tournament. Coached by Myron Keppy, Heath Smith, and Erin Kindleberger, the wrestling team has had a very successful season. Three boys headed to state to represent the team; Brock Smith, a junior at 132 pounds, Colin Altensey, a junior at 152 pounds, and Alex Waston a junior at 160 pounds. After three tough days of competing at state each of the boys placed. 

After starting out strong with two wins, junior Alex Waston lost his third and fourth match, but pulled through and won his final match to take home 5th place overall in his weight class. Taking home first place in their weight class was Brock Smith and Collin Altensey. Collin wrestled four matches with two pins, a tech fall, and a final match with a score of 6-1. Brock had one pin, two matches with the scores of 6-3 and 6-4, and won his final match in the third quarter of overtime.

Out of the five first place wins in the Quad City area, Riverdale took home two. When they arrived home the boys were greeted by friends, family, and community members. They also had a police escort back to the high school. All of us here at Riverdale are extremely proud of each boy and all of the hard work, time, and dedication that they put in to make this happen. 

Article by: Cassidy Mumma 

Jason Dennhardt