Random Acts of Kindness Week Recap 2022

Elementary School

Riverdale Elementary celebrated Random Acts of Kindness Week February 14-18th. Our theme was ‘Can You Spot the Kindness at Riverdale?’ Each classroom read the story, “A Little Spot of Kindness” by Diane Alber. Students decorated their very own spots of kindness which were hung up on their desks, in the hallways and in the display case. We talked about these Kindness Spots being our “Kindness Coaches” to remind us to put our kindness into action!

PE classes jumped into Kindness Week by fund raising for the American Heart Association through the Kid’s Heart Challenge. PE games incorporated lessons about making healthy choices and being kind to yourself and others.

There was a Kindness Poster Contest in Art class for grades 3rd-5th that showed off very creative art skills and some solid teamwork. Students and staff stood in front of the KIND Sign so that they could be the “I” in Kind. Thank you Mrs. Stewart for creating such a cool sign! Students also made thoughtful get well cards for a beloved friend of Riverdale. Throughout the school teachers and students celebrated kindness week in their classrooms in their own unique ways.

The elementary school held dress up days throughout the week.

We kicked off the week on Valentine’s Day and students wore red / pink to celebrate being kind to all.

Tuesday we wore blue for True Blue Friendship. If you think that someone can use a friend, then be their friend.

Wednesday we wore green or camoflauge to remind us all not to hide our kindness. Be generous with our smiles and helpful actions towards others.

Thursday was a hat day to remind us to be respectful and think with our head before we speak!

Friday we wore Black and Gold to demonstrate gratitude for our Riverdale Rams’ family and friends.

Middle School

The Riverdale Middle School had a great week of their own. They chose the Dr. Seuss theme and quote of ”Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” to motivate them to do kind things and make a difference in their school and community. Each day they learned from Dr. Seuss these four key concepts:

Celebrate our own individuality and uniqueness. From “Happy Birthday To You”

Accept others even if they’re different from you. From “The Sneetches”

Be an advocate for those who can’t defend themselves. From “The Lorax”

An education will take you far. From “Oh, The Places You’ll Go”

Students took part in daily trivia, special dress up days, food purchases at lunch, and other fun activities. On Wednesday, the entire school participated in an activity using puzzle pieces to highlight the gifts, talents, and importance of each student, the need to respect and accept differences, and the value of teamwork. But, the true highlight of the week was on Friday when Mr. Friedrichsen and Mrs. Glackin were voted to face the Dr. Seuss Obstacle Course. All of the fun events of the week helped to raise money for a charity. This year’s selection was St. Jude Children’s Hospital, for which $500 was raised. Thanks to everyone who participated in the week, and especially to FOR Club for planning the exciting events. Keep the kindness flowing beyond RAK week; start a chain reaction. Care an awful lot to make things better for everyone.

Jason Dennhardt