Riverdale Food Drive

By: Ashlynne Schabilion

Riverdale school district put on a food drive for Ann's Helping Hands on the week of the 14th-18th. Ann’s Helping Hands was looking for all types of foods from school lunches to sides and to desserts. To help collect food, competitions were held in each of the buildings all week. Each day of the week certain themed foods were accepted for double points. Themes for donations throughout the week were: Monday- School lunches, Tuesday- Thanksgiving sides, Wednesday- breakfast, Thursday- desert, Friday- anything was accepted for double points.The high school student council made two visits to Ann’s helping hands to sort food and put together baskets. The food was collected during 4th hour at the high school and the winners were Miss Krol's class. Riverdale Middle School donations were collected by grades; 6th grade won. Elementary collected by classes and there was a winning class for each grade. Between all three schools over $1,000 were raised. All of the proceeds go to buying other items Ann's Helping Hands are in need of. Celery, apples, potatoes, and clementines were all bought by donations from the Buccaneers 4H club who donated $500. Ann’s helping hand’s next project is Christmas baskets which will contain toys and foods.

Jason Dennhardt