Rams Take the Stage

By: Liv Bark

Riverdale High School is hosting its annual musical on November 17,18,19 all at 7:00 p.m. and the 20th at 2:00 p.m. It will be held in the Betty Plumb auditorium. This year's musical is called “Emma A Pop Musical”. It is a unique twist on Jane Austin's novel Emma about a girl in high school playing matchmaker for her fellow classmates. Emma Woodhouse played by Julia Remour and Jeff Knightley played by Cael Hinde are the main characters in the show. Bob Manasco is the director along with many other high school students who are helping make this play come to life. All day Wednesday the cast will be putting on a preview for 3rd through 5th grade and the whole middle school. Tickets are available on the school website. Make sure to come out and support these artistic ram students this week!

Jason Dennhardt