XC Rams Postseason Makes History

by Mattea Wuest

The Boy’s Cross Country team has had a very successful postseason. On October 22nd at the Regional meet the boys team placed 1st with 24 points, beating the second place team by 75 points. Placing for the boys were Tommy Murray (1st), Landis Musser (2nd), Peyton Sand (3rd), Braden Bode (7th), Mitch Hasenour (11th), Cael Hinde (18th), and Andy Murray (40th). The girls ran a full team for the first time ever at a Regional meet and placed 8th. On October 29th at the Sectional meet the boys team placed 1st for the first time ever in Riverdale’s history. The boys won with 33 points, beating the next team, Rockford Christain, by 79 points. Placing for the boys was Tommy Murray (1st), Landis Musser (2nd), Peyton Sand (5th), Braden Bode (8th), Mitch Hasenour (20th), Cael Hinde (35th), and Andy Murray (70th). This past Saturday, November 5th, the boys cross country team competed in the state meet. The conditions were far from ideal, with rain, wind, and cold. Despite the weather, the boys came away with a 2nd place team finish; last year they placed 11th. Placing individually for the boys were Tommy Murray (3rd), Landis Musser (11th), and Peyton Sand (19th). This is the first time in Riverdale Cross Country history that a team has gotten a team trophy.

Jason Dennhardt