Riverdale Clubs are Back!

By: Izzy Tegeler

Riverdale clubs have officially started back up for the upcoming school year. Clubs available for students to join this year are Student Council, Pep Club, Rams for Christ, Gray Matters, Interact, National Honors Society, Chess Club, Book Club, Gay Straight Alliance Association, Future Farmers of America, and Creative Writing, and Rotary club. The Student Council meets every Thursday in the Library during the 8th hour, where they are currently planning homecoming. Pep Club had their first meeting on Tuesday, August 22nd, in Mrs. Schlinder’s room, during 8th hour where they came up with themes for home volleyball and football games. Rams for Christ had their first meeting of the year, Wednesday August 30th. The meeting took place at 7:15 in the morning in Mrs. Schlinder’s room, where they enjoyed breakfast and got to know the student leaders. The Gray Matters started back up on Tuesday, August 29th, In the Library during the 8th hour, where they started the year off with writing positive messages on the sidewalk in front of the school. Book Club had their first meeting on Wednesday, August 23rd, in the library during the 8th hour. Interact Club joined together in the Library during the 8th hour on Monday, August 28th. They met to discuss everything about Interact, and enjoy a cold treat. Clubs starting up soon include Future Farmers of America (9/6), Gay Straight Alliance (9/5), and Creative Writing Club (9/18), National Honors Society (9/7). There are plenty of club options for students at Riverdale High School to join. Riverdale High School is expecting to have another exciting year with all the accessible clubs!

Jason Dennhardt