Labor Day Victory

By: Peyton Hemm

Riverdale JV football team played September 5, on Labor Day. The team played Mendota at home. The boys started the game strong with two touchdowns in the 1st quarter. Both touchdowns were scored by Caen Beckett and another touchdown was scored by him in the second quarter with Aiden Sensabaugh kicking a field goal to make the score 20-6. Caen Beckett quotes, “We fought hard even when the game got tough at the end. I’m excited to see how the season plays out! Just like Coach D always says…fortitude.” In the 4th quarter, Gaege Heinsen scored a touchdown with Aiden Sensabaugh scoring the kick. The final score was 27-20, with rams leaving the field with a victory! After the game, the cheerleaders and football players gathered in the Riverdale cafeteria for a pizza party and a pep talk from Coach D and Mrs. Arnold. Riverdale had a fantastic labor day and an outstanding win for the records!

Jason Dennhardt