Rams beat Orion

By: Abby Bollinger

The Riverdale Ram’s volleyball program came out triumphant with wins against Orion last night on September 9th. At five p.m. the freshman team won after two sets, ending with the score 28-26. The JV team played at six and won after two sets with the score of 25-20. The varsity game began at seven p.m. Their first game started off rocky, struggling to catch up with Orion. Orion beat the Rams in the first set with 14-25. In the second game, the Rams started to pick up more momentum. “I think the energy really picked up and our will to win got stronger,” said Alivia Bark, a senior on the team. The second game ended at 25-19 and the Rams were back on their feet. The third game was tense, both teams wanting the victory. The score was close the entire time but the Rams came out with the win at 25-23.

Jason Dennhardt