Homecoming Festivities
By: Emily Saddoris
On September 21st, 2023 Riverdale High School had an exciting night! Homecoming week was full of fun events including Coronation, Boys Powder Puff Volleyball, and some minute-to-win-it games, all on Thursday night. Coronation started at 6:00 p.m. in the high school gym followed by a cheerleading dance and the boys volleyball game. The 2023 Homecoming court was announced in the gym. Freshmen attendants were Jackson Fritch and Macy Gitchel. Sophomore attendants were Amanda Shadrick and Garrett Enright. Junior attendants were Sophia Matten and Andy Murray. Seniors on homecoming court were Carter Dienes, Avery Burbridge, Jake Willems, Izzy Tegeler, Keagan Hohenadel, and Carrieanne Hungate. The Homecoming King and Queen were announced by the student council president and treasurer, Alaina Heim and Tyler Lockaby. The winners for King and Queen were Cael Hinde and RyaLynn Grant! The volleyball teams consisted of the freshman and senior boys vs the sophomore and junior boys! It was an exciting and eventful game! The seniors and freshman took the win with some amazing rallies. Then everyone moved outside to the football field to enjoy fireworks and a bonfire! Overall, it was a great night to celebrate Riverdale’s 2023 Homecoming.