Wellness Day

By: Peyton Hemm

Students and staff at Riverdale High School were given a break from stressful day to day life. On Friday, October 21st, Riverdale hosted a wellness day and class olympics. Wellness day is a day where students get to choose to go to three different stations, for example, slime, bracelet making, pumpkin decorating, ultimate frisbee, quiet reading room, etc. and enjoy a school day without any school work. Each station is about 35 long and then students will rotate to their next station. After the fun of wellness day, students gathered in the high school gym to watch class olympics. The four grades competed against each other in a series of different games. The games played were; volleyball, tug-of-war, rock paper scissors, and javelin throwing with pool noodles. In volleyball, the sophomores won against the seniors in the championship and the seniors won against the sophomores in tug-of-war. Senior, Brooke Porter, quotes, “My favorite part of wellness day was watching the class olympics. It was a fun and stress relieving get away from school work!” Not only do students enjoy having a day without school work, but so does the staff! Wellness day is a tradition that will carry on in the future years!

Jason Dennhardt