Varsity Soccer Breaking Records

By: Ali DePorter

On Tuesday, October 10th the Varsity Soccer team won the regional quarterfinal against Princeton with a score of 2-0. Later that week on Saturday 14th, they played Alleman for regionals. Unfortunately, it didn’t end the way the team wanted it to. Alleman won 5-0. Although they ended that game with a loss the team is happy with the overall success of the season. Senior, Jase Ball said “Out of my four years of playing high school soccer, this is probably the most memorable. We broke numerous records and accomplished things that no team in the last 20 years has been able to do. We finished the season off with a winning record which is impressive when you look at the teams we’ve played. People put us off this year and made us the underdogs and we ended everything off with one of the greatest seasons in our school history.” The team is determined to keep growing during the off season in order to be ready for next year.

Jason Dennhardt