TRAC Arts Festival

This spring, some Riverdale art students submitted their art pieces for the yearly TRAC Arts Festival. The competition was held at Mendota Highschool on April 4th. There were 22 categories of art pieces students were eligible to participate in. Each category had three awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. At the end of the festival, there was an awards ceremony that honored each person who placed. Emma Ziegler placed 3rd in the watercolor portrait event with the piece titled “Submerged.” Wes Hollowell placed 1st in printmaking with a screenprint called “Peachfuzz” and 3rd place in 3D sculpture with the piece “The New Normal.” When asking Wes how they felt about the competition, they said, “I was taken completely by surprise that anything of mine was chosen for a ribbon, let alone a first place. It was a very fun event to be a part of!”

Article by: Allie Lorfeld

Jason Dennhardt