The Road to Sectionals!

by: Claire DeCap

The Talking Rams are headed to sectionals! On Saturday, February 4th, the Riverdale speech team traveled to Freeport, Illinois to compete in the Regional Tournament. To ensure success at the tournament, the team needed competitors in all fourteen events that were offered. After a lot of hard work and preparation, they were able to compete in all fourteen events. Their hard work paid off when all fourteen made it to finals. The team had eleven events that placed in the Top Four during finals, resulting in third place overall. This level of success means that those eleven events will be moving on to Sectionals! The team members going to Sectionals include: 

Izzy Slone - Dramatic Interpretation and Radio Speaking

Caitlyn Mumma and Caroline Kreiter - Dramatic Duet Acting 

Ian Smiddy - Extemporaneous Speaking and Impromptu Speaking

Cael Hinde and Cassidy Kline - Humorous Duet Acting 

Cael Hinde - Special Occasion Speaking

Jorie Slone - Humorous Interpretation and Poetry Speaking

Veronica Urek - Informative Speaking 

Rylee Clark - Original Comedy 

This is some of the greatest success that the Riverdale speech team has ever experienced! The most events that Riverdale had sent to Sectionals was 10 in 2010 and the last time the team made Top 3 was in 2012. The school and community are extremely proud of our Talking Rams and are looking forward to their continued success. The speech team will be competing at DeKalb High School this Saturday, February 11th.

Jason Dennhardt