Riverdale Triumphs Against Kewanee

Article by Alaina Heim

On September 14th, the Riverdale High School Soccer team played Kewanee at home, starting at 4:00. The final score was 4 to 3, with Riverdale pulling out the win. All of the goals scored by Riverdale were by Aiden Sensabaugh. Two of the assists were by Brody Clark, one by Braeden Bode and the last one was a free kick. Aiden Sensabaugh commented on the game. “[The] second half started well but Kewannee started to comeback. We scored 3 goals making it 4 to 1. Then, half way through the 2nd half Kewannee scored 2 goals making it 4 to 3. [In the] last 3 minutes Kewanee got a penalty [kick], and Patric Gannon saved it and we won!” During half time the Riverdale Marching Band performed playing Led Zeppelin. It was a great night for Riverale Soccer and the Riverdale Marching Band!

Jason Dennhardt