Legally Blonde the Musical

On November 18th through the 21st the Riverdale High School theater hosted Legally Blonde the Musical! Each night the seats were packed full of excited audiences. Thursday had a total of 186 people, Friday 163, Saturday 200, and Sunday 174. This totaled the attendance to 733 people! This year the musical was off to a rocky start due to the cast starting set construction and practices four weeks later than usual since there was no director. Luckily, Riverdale graduate, Bob Manasco, decided to step up as director and helped out the program. There were a lot of new faces on stage this year due to the theater department not performing since fall of 2019. Under the guidance of the upperclassmen and returning music director, Matt Reece, the overall performance went smoothly. The Riverdale theater department uses a live pit for the music in musical productions. Many laughs were shared in the audience from the cast’s hysterical jokes such as Elle Woods’ one-liners (played by Julia Remour) or Paulette Buonafonte’s classic advice (played by Cassidy Kline). There was not an audience member left without a laugh.  The seniors this year included Kyan Stuart who played Professor Callahan, Nellie Stuart as Chutney/Elle’s Mom, Braden Peterson and Adrian Strayhall who performed Trumpet, Weston Hollowell who played Nikos/Elle’s Dad, and Jessee Pinson who was Assistant Stage Crew Manager/Assistant Student Director/T.V. Reporter. Oliver Bull, who played Emmett Forrest gave the quote, “With the time we were given, we put on a pretty great show!” Remember to catch the upcoming play in the spring and break the attendance record from the fall! 

Article by: Allie Lorfeld

Jason Dennhardt