Girls Basketball 2021 Season Begins

Riverdale Girls’ basketball team had their first home game of the season on Monday, November 29th, 2021. Due to low numbers, they only held a varsity game at 6:00 pm. This was the girls’ first conference game of the 2021 season. Unfortunately, the girls did not win against Monmouth Roseville High School. On Thursday, December 2nd, the girls played another varsity game at home against Morrison High School. However, the girls were not able to pull out the win. Even though the final scores of both games were not what they hoped for, the girls still worked hard all week and gave 110%. Junior, Crystal Craigmiles, shared, “Our team is working very hard and keeps improving every day. We may have low numbers but are thankful to have a team this year. I can’t wait for the rest of the season.” Their next home game is December 9th at 5:30 at the High School. Varsity will follow.

Article by: Emily Saddoris

Jason Dennhardt