Gameplay Breakdown

On January 20, 2022 the Riverdale Rams Girls Basketball team competed against Rockridge High school for the first time this season. Sadly, Rockridge pulled through with the win. However, the girls fought hard and put in the effort. According to their head coach Jay Hatch, “The girls did a great job of playing great defense and rebounding. The effort from all of the girls in these areas was outstanding.” Junior, Erin Caves, also applauded the team's defensive skills, “We didn’t put up as many points on the board as we wanted to, but we really came together and made Rockridge work for their points. That was definitely one of our best defensive games!” Hatch also included that the team is constantly aiming to improve in areas such as offense, defense, and team cohesiveness. “The team is really pulling together and improving a great deal,''he added. The team plans to continue working on technical skills and teamplay, which seems to be improving everyday. Hatch explained, “It is exciting for me as a coach to see the growth of this team! We have come so far this season.” Their goal for the rest of the season is overall improvement, from practice to practice and game to game they will be there putting in the work. The girls still have the rest of the season ahead of them and plan for greatness.

Article by: Abby Erickson

Jason Dennhardt