First Place State Wrestlers
Senior, Blake Smith and junior, Dean Wainwright from Riverdale High School qualified for the IHSA State Wrestling Tournament, which took place in Champaign Illinois on the weekend of February 21st-22nd. On February 21st, the semifinal matches were held. Blake Smith wrestled Wyatt Goosens from Erie Prophetstown who was ranked number 3. Smith won 14-6, advancing to finals. Dean Wainwright wrestled Brandon Green who was ranked number 1 and won 8-4 in the semi-finals. Blake Smith wrestled in the 157-pound weight class and won first in the state against Briar Ivey from Newman Central Catholic School. Dean Wainwright, who wrestled in the 132-pound weight class against Garret Verheecke from Decatur Unity Christian School and also won first! Smith and Wainwright both persevered throughout the season, and throughout the State Tournament in order to go on and bring home first-place State titles. Congratulations to these outstanding athletes!
By: Bridget Gallens