Field Trips at RHS

By: Cassidy Mumma


This week, April 17th-21st, Riverdale High School took a lot of field trips including a Forensics, Advanced Art, Robotics and a National Honor Society trip. On Tuesday, the Forensics class took a trip to Chicago to visit the Museum of Science and Industry to participate in a crime scene lab. On Thursday, the Advanced Art class visited the Figge Art museum and Kewanee High School for the TRAC art festival where senior, Izzy Slone, placed first with one of her pieces. On Friday, members of the National Honor Society went to the Quad City Botanical Center to assist in their annual spring clean up. Also on Friday, The Riverdale Robotics team went to Bettendorf High School for a Trebuchet launching competition. The team is still waiting for their results.  Many students were given the opportunity to go on these trips and all enjoyed them. Junior, Ashlynne Shabilion said, β€œIt was a really cool and fun learning experience, while we were up there [in Chicago] we were able to do a crime scene investigation.”

Jason Dennhardt