Fall Into Homecoming

By: Isabel Lopez

On Friday, September 30th, 2022, Riverdale High School hosted another successful homecoming event for the community. From the powderpuff game to the dance, the weekend was filled with all kinds of events to participate in. Starting on Friday, September 30th, Riverdale hosted an assembly at the end of the school day. During this assembly, people who were voted onto homecoming court were announced to the school. At 4:30 that afternoon, Riverdale hosted a Homecoming parade in downtown Port Byron. Many fall sports, activities, and local organizations, and homecoming court all participated in this parade. Following the parade, Riverdale High School hosted a booster meal for homecoming which had a great turnout. In the evening, Riverdale hosted a powderpuff football/cheerleading game. In powderpuff events, the girls play football and the boys cheer on the sidelines. The girls football team were the juniors and sophomores versus the seniors and freshman. At the end of the game, the juniors and sophomores won with a score of 35-21. Following the game, at 7:00 pm, the cheer and band put on a great performance. After the performance, the coronation was announced. Congratulations to seniors, Alivia Bark and Alex Watson for winning homecoming King and Queen! The busy day ended with fireworks and a bonfire put on by Riverdale High School. On Saturday, October 1st, the 2022 homecoming dance was held at Riverdale High School. Homecoming week was a success; the school and community were so grateful to participate in the various activities offered!

Jason Dennhardt