8th Grade…On The Move in April

The Riverdale Middle School 8th graders have continued with their career and college field trips during the month of April.  They have traveled to Augustana College, The University of Illinois at Urbana, The Figge, The Adler Theater, Isabel Bloom, QC Arts, Illinois State Police Headquarters District 7, Western Illinois University, Black Hawk College - East Campus, and the Exelon Fishery.

These excited students are gathering information about future career opportunities, possible career paths, and college options.  They have learned more about the wide world of the performing and visual arts, engineering of all kinds, criminal justice, agriculture, agriculture mechanics, veterinary technology, and so much more!! 

We are thankful for our community partners and the support of our school district in making these opportunities available.  They are incredibly valuable at influencing the leaders of tomorrow.  

Check back in May when our 8th graders spend a week learning all about job readiness skills, participate in their 8th Grade Interview, and continue exploring even more career field trips.

Jason Dennhardt