Riverdale Education Foundation

Who are we?  We are Scholarships, Grants, Career and College Readiness, Sports Physicals, and much more!  We give annually back to the school district through employee contributions, alumni, and community members just like you!

The Riverdale  Education Foundation is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization which has principle funds of its own, managed by its own trustees and is established to aid educational activities in the Riverdale School District Unit #100.

For more information click here to download our brochure, or Please contact our President, Karen Searl at 309-781-8785.


Karen Searl, President

Wendy Kelley, Vice-President

Dan Oltman, Treasurer

Melinda Simpson, Secretary

Chris Bode

Melissa Hogren

Debbie Baker 

Amanda Smolenski 

Ron Jacobs

Christine Enright

Karen Lonergan
