Wellness Week Festivities

Mental health awareness has become a rising topic in our country as suicide and mental illness rates continue to grow. This is especially true for today’s teenage population. To combat the issue, schools across the nation have created ways to advocate for mental health and help students in need. We, at Riverdale, are fortunate enough to have a mental health awareness club, known as The Gray Matters Collective. Our Gray Matters Collective chapter meets every three weeks to talk about ways to improve mental health, promote kindness, and more.

Our student leaders within the Gray Matters Collective are very excited to be sponsoring Wellness Week next week, October 16 - October 20. The week will be filled with themed dress up days, fun activities, and mental health awareness! Prior to Wellness Week, The Gray Matters will be selling keychains during lunch (October 11-October 13) that can be delivered to classmates and friends throughout next week. This will be a great way to spread kindness in our school! The dress up days for the week are as follows: Monday; Pajama Day, Tuesday; Snazziest Tie, Wednesday; Neon, Thursday; Groutfit, Friday; Class shirts/Class colors.

The week will end with Wellness Day on Friday, October 20th. This is a day for students to relax and reset by participating in three different activities of their choice. There are numerous sessions that students can sign up for, including: hanging out with therapy dogs, yoga, bingo, watching a movie, journaling, baking cookies, and so much more! There is something for everyone! Wellness Day will end with Class Olympics: a fun competition between grades!

Students and staff are very excited for Wellness Week and all the ways that it will promote kindness and mental health awareness! Keep an eye out on social media for updates throughout the week.

Jason Dennhardt