Riverdale High School Homecoming Week

By: Ashlynne Schabilion

The week of September 26-30th Riverdale High School celebrated their homecoming week. The week was full of fun celebrations including dress up days, assemblies, and pep rallies. The dress up days this year were pajama day, country vs. country club, walking yearbook, throwback/decades day, and ram pride. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday assemblies were held with fun games. On Monday, there was a dodgeball tournament where students were able to compete against other students and teachers. On Wednesday, there was a knock out tournament and a volleyball serving tournament. Then, on Friday, there was a pep rally for everyone to get ready for homecoming festivities. There was also a homecoming volleyball and soccer game throughout the week. Volleyball played on Tuesday at home with the student section dressed in neon. The freshman and sophomore volleyball girls took a win and the varsity team sadly fell short. Soccer played at home on Thursday, with the student section theme of USA. The soccer team took the win of 6-0 against QCCS. Friday evening held many fun activities including fireworks and powderpuff, all leading up to the dance on Saturday.

Jason Dennhardt