Riverdale Elementary Celebrates Earth Week!
Starting on Monday, April 20 – we will be challenging our students to participate in some Earth Minded activities!
First things First! Please consider making a large ‘Earth’ to hang in your windows! It could join your ‘hearts’ that you’ve already made :)
Things to do- Take a Hike! (literally), Dig in the dirt….plant something…enjoy nature! Make some Recycle Art! Your own ‘Maker Space’! Watch some great ‘Nature TV’…
***Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day on Wednesday, April 22*** Maybe have a picnic outside, weather permitting? Take a picture of you participating- and send it to Mrs. Bradshaw at cbradshaw@riverdaleschools.org - and we’ll try to post what we can, on the school site!
Enjoy!!! :)