Celebrating Veterans in the Riverdale Community

By: Courtney Shadrick

This past Friday, January 27th, 2023, Riverdale High School hosted a boys basketball game between the Riverdale Rams and Morrison Mustangs. The junior varsity boys basketball team started off the night. With a concerning first half, the rams fell behind by fifteen points. With a halftime score being Riverdale 15 and Morrison 30. In the second half of the game, the Rams scored 15 points. Unfortunately, the JV team lost, with a final score of 33 points for Riverdale and 50 points for Morrison. Scoring for the junior varsity team was Aris Morgan with 3 points, Braden Janicki with 4 points, Colin Decap with 2 points, Colton Huffman with 2 points, Colton Pifkin with 3 points, Gaege Heinsen with 4 points, Isaiah Phelps with 2 points, Owen Wainwright with 15 points. 

Following the JV team, the varsity boys basketball team kept a close first half leaving the court for halftime with a close score of rams with 27 and mustangs with 30. 

During halftime, the Riverdale Student Council brought seven veterans to the middle of the court so that everyone in attendance could recognize them for their service to their country. When asked why it is important to have this event to recognize the Veterans in the community, Student Council President, Alaina Heim said, “I think that it was very important to show our school, parents, teachers, and students, who the veterans are that came from our community. Most of the veterans were from the Vietnam war but we had some that are serving currently. We also had a recruiter and I saw many students talking to them and doing push-ups to win t-shirts. I think it is very important that we see what these men and women have done for us and our country.” 

Once halftime was concluded the boys were back on the court. Though with a final score of 71 mustangs to 50 rams. Scoring for the rams were Brody Clark with 8 points, Carson Dalaska with 3 points, Ethan Kiddoo with 19 points, Jacob Watson with 4 points, Jake Willems with 14 points, and Trent Doty with 2 points. This was the last home game for the boys before senior night on January 31st. 

Jason Dennhardt